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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Best Cat Toys:Toddler Toys

Juno is up bright and early this morning. Although I don't really recommend giving your toddler's toys to the cat, especially if she is a stray that hasn't been checked out by a veterinarian, it is inevitable that shared home=shared toys.Having Juno  in our home has been a great experience for our toddler. He is learning how to take care of another being and more importantly how to share. Yes, he is learning how to share with the cat-share mommy and daddy's attention and his toys (he still tells the kitty "NO kitty!" when he doesn't want her playing with a particular toy at the time). A gentle wash is the best thing for toys. If they are plastic like the ball that Juno is playing with in the picture below then I just use very warm water and Dawn dish detergent.Which is also what I used for her first washing to rid her of fleas even though some people do not recommend doing this. I figured if it's good enough for oil slicked wild life it is OK for my little kitty's first flea bath, especially when I wasn't really prepared to take her in  the night I received her (thank you kitty stork Katie :) ).  It is so funny, this a.m. Juno is attacking her Grape Ape. For those of you who remember Grape Ape, he has apparently retired to our little home and is only a fraction of his former self-rumor has it the camera does add ten pounds you know.

thanks to :cartoons-yeah.blogspot

Juno getting to know her Grape Ape.

Vicious kitty! Check out those claws
A ball with a fish in it-what an appropriate pick Juno.

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