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Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Feline Family Tree:Juno's Family Tree

A Family Tree, Of Sorts

Salem-indoor/outdoor cat that's been missing for two years now and  innocent little Minnow on the right.
Our Poor Giovanni Deceased  August 8th only two months old

Due to adoption we do not know Juno's parents. Not rare in our family.There have been a total of ten adopted cats in our family over the past decade or so. Here's the run down:

  1. Bookerton aka Bubby: born to a feral cat; was named a male name before her true identity was realized her frenemy was Jack (a golden mutt and my hubby's friend) both deceased
  2. Ms.Gray: walked into Nanna Cilla's yard and declared herself home with breath that could knock your socks off! Poor old lady of the family until 2012-no photo available
  3. Tigger aka TeeTee: found in a Walmart parking lot covered in car grease; called tee tee by my stepson who couldn't say Tigger as a toddler-still actively purring after 13 years.
  4. Lola aka Binksy/Carpet "Lil Senorita Girl" speaks fluent Spanish according to Nanna: found in a Food Lion parking lot by Nanna Cilla-actively purring
  5. Sasha- Ben "The Lion Tamer's" cat-actively purring
  6. Minnow aka Minner: found in a different Food Lion parking lot with ear mites, named Minnow because of her petite size similar to a small minnow fish-actively purring 
  7. Alley: found in neighbor's yard -actively purring
  8. Salem: solid black male-missing for two years
  9. Juno Katalina aka Uno: found in a Dollar General parking lot (infested with fleas and diagnosed with roundworms-yuk!)
  10. Giovanni: kitten from a neighbor's cat; solid black named after a news reporter seen on tv by Grandma Susie-unfortunately no longer with us and was younger than Juno.
So this is Juno's kitty family tree. She has two deceased aunts, five living aunts, a missing uncle (we don't talk about it much-we think he's out chasing the ladies) and a recently deceased cousin Giovanni.
Bookerton aka Bubby
Jack-my hubby's bud & Bubby's frenemy

Lola-Lil Senorita Sharp Claws
This is Alley-not in the mood for a photo.

TeeTee posing gracefully in her senior years


Cool Guy Giovanni-the newest member of the family
 was a little shy about the photo shoot-poor Giovanni was struck by a vehicle on Thursday night August 8th.

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