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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How We Spent our Day:"The Vet is a Special Doctor for Our Pet" is a new car ride jingle for the toddlers

This is a sick little baby.Our poor Juno has a fever & respiratory infection.
 Juno has been lethargic, today being the third such day. I couldn't believe she was the same kitten that has been attacking everything that moves!She has been eating, but not as much and she also has been sleeping like a little old lady cat. I had to take her to a vet asap. One place I called could see her at 4:30 pm but that didn't work with my schedule today and then Hope answered at Leland Veterinary Hospital."We can see her right now." I was so relieved. I never thought I would worry over a cat the way I would worry over my child but all day yesterday I just knew our family baby was sick and needed help and just like with my son, I began to think of all the worst possible outcomes. Then I thought 'This is my boy's first kitten and I am going to keep this kitty alive dag on it!" So, today was vet day. On the way I sang to my son: "We are going to the vet, the vet is a special dr. for our pet.Cat or dog bring them over, come on, Rover! To the special dr. for our pet-the vet!"
Fast forward: After a blood sample, stool sample and quick peek in her ears, Juno has been diagnosed : roundworms, a resp. infection and fever. She received her first deworming, two weeks of amoxicillin and a flea treatment today.May she get well soon!
Juno's first visit to see the vet

Special Thanks to the Leland Veterinary Hospital for seeing Juno within the hour that I called them!
Dr.Jaime Poolclay is awesome with kittens!

My little toddler rearranging the office furniture.


  1. Glad you got Juno all fixed up with meds. Hope she feels better soon. Be careful with Leland Veterinary Hospital. We have personally had very bad experiences with them and so have a few people we know. They over charge you a lot. Do not let you always see your pet during exams. Do not always get a doctor yet pay for one, sometimes they have even given us medicine for a problem our dog didn't even have.

  2. Thanks Renee.I was going to try Cape Side but their website said they wouldn't see animals without their having had a rabies shot, which of course she hasn't had since she's a stray, and I wanted to get her seen asap.
