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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Juno Update:Today a long day....

Sick Kitty I drew yesterday for my son
Juno's fever has broken and she is back to pouncing a little-just ask my broom, if it could only talk, it would scream because Juno played 'I am Tiger' with it. Have the fresh 'attack my human's hand scratch' to prove her feisty nature is returning and her lethargy is diminishing.Amazing what a little antibiotic can do!And speaking of  'doo', we are dealing with a dark side aspect of cat ownership-diarrhea from the antibiotic the vet gave her. Yay me. My son decided today that he needs to sit on his little furry friend after a battle with mommy over the step ladder he knows he can not play with. Having these two together = mini heart attacks all day! Hope to have a photo family tree of Juno's adoptive cat family soon!
The real Sick Kitty

Juno's Amoxicillin-a 2wk regiment

Juno reminds me of this cute book the
 way she is posed with her little Eric Carl lion.

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